Url https://www.osteopathicresearch.com/s/orw/item/1804 Title DETECTION OF INTRAOSSEOUS STRAINS IN THE ADULT TIBIAL BONE: OSTEOPATHIC PALPATION AND THERMOGRAPHY Subject intraosseous, lesion, strain, tibia, vascularization, thermography, imaging, osteopathic, palpation, infrared, Vitality, CRI, PRM, thermal imaging Type osteo_thesis Identifier 15018 Language English Medium IOS_Protocol_2012.pdf Date Accepted 2011 Date Submitted 14.12.2011 12:36:28 Owner 137 Presented at 1487 Status 0 Identifier 1102 Number of pages 76 -- Url https://www.osteopathicresearch.com/s/orw/item/1716 Title THERMOGRAPHIC SKIN MEASUREMENT AND OSTEOPATHIC PALPATION OF TIBIAL INTRAOSSEOUS STRAINS IN ADULTS - A COMPARATIVE PILOT STUDY Subject intraosseous, strain, lesion, thermography, thermal, skin temperature, rigidity, vitality, age, bone, osteopathic palpation Type osteo_thesis Identifier 15308 Language English Medium EdwardMuntinga_Thesis_2013_FINAL.pdf Date Accepted 2013 Date Submitted 24.3.2013 08:51:33 Owner 137 Presented at 1487 Status 1 Identifier 1102 Number of pages 174 -- Url https://www.osteopathicresearch.com/s/orw/item/1301 Title Reliability of the lengthening-shortening test or Downing’s test Creator Vaucher P Rippstein J Subject Sacroiliac Joint Type osteo_thesis Identifier 13041 Language French Date Accepted 2004 Date Submitted 4.2.2004 00:00:00 Owner 62 Presented at 1487 Status 0 Identifier 1102 -- Url https://www.osteopathicresearch.com/s/orw/item/1060 Title Inter-tester reliability of 2 osteopathic tests (mobility and flex-ext of talo-cruralis) for patients with non-specific low back pain Creator Cristina Sturny Subject Talus,Mobility,Reliability,Low Back Pain Type osteo_thesis Identifier 13721 Language English Alternative Title Fiabilité inter-testeur de 2 tests ostéopathiques (mobilité et flex-ext de la talo-crurale) sur une population de lombalgiques non-spécifiques Date Accepted 2004 Date Submitted 1.3.2006 00:00:00 Owner 62 Presented at 1487 Status 0 Identifier 1102 -- Url https://www.osteopathicresearch.com/s/orw/item/1059 Title Pilot study, correlation between issues of two cranial tests on the temporal bone. Creator Ducry Caroline Ducry Christian Subject Cranial Osteopathy,Range of motion Type osteo_thesis Identifier 13722 Language English Alternative Title Etude corrélative pilote entre un test de densité de l'os temporal et un test dit de rotation interne et externe de l'os temporal Date Accepted 2003 Date Submitted 1.3.2006 00:00:00 Owner 62 Presented at 1487 Status 0 Identifier 1102 -- Url https://www.osteopathicresearch.com/s/orw/item/1058 Title Interexaminer reliability of palpation of posterior dermalgia reflex zones Creator Vérène Travelletti Subject Reliability,Reflexotherapy Type undergraduate_project Identifier 13723 Language French Alternative Title Reproductibilité intertesteur de la palpation des zones de dermalgies reflexes postérieures Date Accepted 2004 Date Submitted 1.3.2006 00:00:00 Owner 62 Presented at 1487 Status 0 Identifier 1102 -- Url https://www.osteopathicresearch.com/s/orw/item/1057 Title Inter-tester reliability of three osteopathics tests on a non-specific low back pain population Creator Lador Sylviane Subject Osteopathic Research,Low Back Pain,Reliability Type osteo_thesis Identifier 13724 Language English Alternative Title Fiabilité inter-testeur de trois tests palpatoires ostéopathiques sur une population souffrant de lombalgies non spécifiques Date Accepted 2003 Date Submitted 1.3.2006 00:00:00 Owner 62 Presented at 1487 Status 0 Identifier 1102 -- Url https://www.osteopathicresearch.com/s/orw/item/1056 Title Inter-test reliability of a temporal density test and Creator Vial Aline Subject Osteopathic Research Type osteo_thesis Identifier 13725 Language English Alternative Title Fiabilité inter-testeur d'un test de densité de l'os temporal et d'un test dit de la tente du cervelet sur des patients sous traitements dentaires. Date Accepted 2004 Date Submitted 1.3.2006 00:00:00 Owner 62 Presented at 1487 Status 0 Identifier 1102 -- Url https://www.osteopathicresearch.com/s/orw/item/1055 Title Gain of mobility after low back passif global mobilisation; a randomised cohort/control study Creator Aline Devaud Pierre Lenherr Subject Mobilisation,Range Of Motion,Articular,Cohort Studies,Low Back Pain Type undergraduate_project Identifier 13726 Language French Alternative Title Effet d’une technique dite de décompression lombaire sur l’amplitude de flexion du segment lombaire Date Accepted 2004 Date Submitted 1.3.2006 00:00:00 Owner 62 Presented at 1487 Status 0 Identifier 1102 -- Url https://www.osteopathicresearch.com/s/orw/item/1054 Title Association between ROM of the ankle and the presence of pain in female gymnasts, a transversal study Creator Sandrine Jacot Subject Ankle,Sport,Range Of Motion,Articular Type osteo_thesis Identifier 13727 Language English Alternative Title Amplitude de flexion-extension de la tibio-tarsienne chez des gymnastes, en fonction de la présence ou non de douleur ou d’antécédents d’entorses de la cheville, mesurée à l’aide d’un goniomètre. Date Accepted 2004 Date Submitted 20.3.2006 00:00:00 Owner 62 Presented at 1487 Status 0 Identifier 1102 -- Url https://www.osteopathicresearch.com/s/orw/item/1053 Title Inter-tester reliability of cervical postero-articularis palpatory pain tests on asymptomatics patients Creator Descloux Véronique Subject Cervical Type osteo_thesis Identifier 13728 Language English Alternative Title Fiabilité inter-testeur des tests de douleur à la palpation en regard des apophyses articulaires postérieures de la colonne cervicale sur des patients asymptomatiques Date Accepted 2004 Date Submitted 20.3.2006 00:00:00 Owner 62 Presented at 1487 Status 0 Identifier 1102 -- Url https://www.osteopathicresearch.com/s/orw/item/1052 Title Intertester reliability of two osteopathic visceral tests on the duodenum Creator Céline Landry, Georges Finet Subject Reliability,Osteopathic Diagnosis,Visceral osteopathy Type undergraduate_project Identifier 13729 Language French Date Accepted 2004 Date Submitted 1.3.2006 00:00:00 Owner 62 Presented at 1487 Status 0 Identifier 1102 -- Url https://www.osteopathicresearch.com/s/orw/item/1051 Title Association between working hours and the presence of positive osteopathic visceral test, a transversal study Creator Delseth Delphine Subject Osteopathic Research Type osteo_thesis Identifier 13730 Language English Alternative Title Association entre l'horaire de travail, la présence de tests de mobilité viscérale positifs, étude transversale Date Accepted 2004 Date Submitted 1.3.2006 00:00:00 Owner 62 Presented at 1487 Status 0 Identifier 1102 -- Url https://www.osteopathicresearch.com/s/orw/item/1050 Title Intratester reliability of an osteopathic visceral test on the ascending colon; a pilot study Creator Julie Terrier Georges Finet Subject Visceral osteopathy,Reliability,Osteopathic Diagnosis Type undergraduate_project Identifier 13731 Language French Date Accepted 2004 Date Submitted 1.3.2006 00:00:00 Owner 62 Presented at 1487 Status 0 Identifier 1102 -- Url https://www.osteopathicresearch.com/s/orw/item/1049 Title Inter-tester reliability of an osteopathic cranial density test on a single subject Creator Nepote Sarah Subject Reliability,Osteopathic Tests,Cranial Compression Type osteo_thesis Identifier 13732 Language English Alternative Title Fiabilité inter-testeur lors du test de densité par différents étages crâniens effectués sur un même patient à quelques minutes d’intervalle Date Accepted 2004 Date Submitted 20.3.2006 00:00:00 Owner 62 Presented at 1487 Status 0 Identifier 1102 -- Url https://www.osteopathicresearch.com/s/orw/item/1048 Title Association between the presence of an cervical postero-articularis pain and cervical mobility tests Creator Santini Alessandro Subject Cervical,Osteopathic Tests Type osteo_thesis Identifier 13733 Language English Alternative Title Association entre la présence d'une douleur à la palpation en regard des articulaires postérieures cervicales et des tests de mobilité cervicale Date Accepted 2003 Date Submitted 20.3.2006 00:00:00 Owner 62 Presented at 1487 Status 0 Identifier 1102 -- Url https://www.osteopathicresearch.com/s/orw/item/1047 Title Gain of cervical range of motion after general osteopathgic treatment; a randomized clinical trial pilote study Creator Martina Klingler Jules Rippstein Subject Randomized Controlled Trials,Cervical Spine,Osteopathic Treatment Type undergraduate_project Identifier 13734 Language French Date Accepted 2003 Date Submitted 1.3.2006 00:00:00 Owner 62 Presented at 1487 Status 0 Identifier 1102 -- Url https://www.osteopathicresearch.com/s/orw/item/1046 Title Duration and average number of consultations in osteopathy; a Swiss survey Creator Ben Lobmaier Subject Consultation Type osteo_thesis Identifier 13735 Language English Alternative Title Sondage sur la durée et le nombre moyen de consultation pour un traitement ostéopathique en Suisse Date Accepted 2003 Date Submitted 20.3.2006 00:00:00 Owner 62 Presented at 1487 Status 0 Identifier 1102 -- Url https://www.osteopathicresearch.com/s/orw/item/1045 Title Intertester reliability of an osteopathic visceral test on the kidney Creator Joëlle Emery Robyr Subject Visceral osteopathy,Reliability,Osteopathic Diagnosis Type undergraduate_project Identifier 13736 Language French Date Accepted 2004 Date Submitted 1.3.2006 00:00:00 Owner 62 Presented at 1487 Status 0 Identifier 1102 -- Url https://www.osteopathicresearch.com/s/orw/item/1042 Title Reliability of the SpinalMouse for calculating intravertebral range of motion Creator Grégoire Arnold Paul Vaucher Subject Range of motion,Spine,Reliability Type undergraduate_project Identifier 13743 Language French Date Accepted 2004 Date Submitted 4.4.2006 00:00:00 Owner 62 Presented at 1487 Status 0 Identifier 1102 --