Study of the efficacy of osteopathy in the treatment of migraine patients
- Title
- Study of the efficacy of osteopathy in the treatment of migraine patients
- Author(s)
- M.Van Tintelen D.O. MRO
- Abstract
The principal aim of this study was to determine the efficacy of osteopathy in the treatment of migraine. Research was carried out according to the “black box” approach, a research design following the recommendations of the Committee Alternative Therapies of the National Health Council in the Netherlands.The first part of the study, based on the literature, deals with the set up of the study, the ideas that influenced and literature data which helped to determine the plan and execution of the study design.
Sofar traditional medical scientific literature does not describe serious studies of the efficacy in osteopathy or research done according to the “black box” approach and thus we consider ourselves to be pioneers in this pilot-study.
Two groups were compared; an osteopathy group comprising 41 migraine patients and a control group of 19 migraine patients respectively.
Measurements were made by questionnaires before and after one year follow-up.
Altogether 29 parameters were tested; 6 for migraine, 11 for other physical disorders, 10 for the general condition, 1 for the general feeling of physical well-being, and 1 for the feeling of psychological well-being.
In the osteopathygroup 24 parameters significantly improved and none worsened. In contrast in the control group non of the parameters changed significantly.
We found significant improvement in migraine complaints and symptoms like headache, giddyness(vertigo), stomach ache, abdominal pains, constipation, neck pains, pains in the arms and legs and pains between the shoulderblades (scapulae).
Also significant improvement in nervousness, tensions, depressions, fear, unhappyness, worries and irritations was observed.
Lastly we have seen a major improvement in the general psychological and physical well-being of the patients suffering from migraine.
Two of the tested parameters were not significantly improved, these being low back pain and tiredness.
The lack of energy and worries about health and the future did not change.
Scientific research following the “black box” approach is possible as long as there is sufficient support from the osteopathic profession(practitioners) and there is support by researchers from traditional as well as osteopathic ranks. At the time of this study such support was practically absent! Unfortunately, this has reduced the power of the study. Nevertheless we feel this study has yielded important results which warrant further investigation.
De thesis is geschreven om als leidraad gebruikt te worden voor een ieder die in de toekomst gebruik wil maken van de black box methode bij het wetenschappelijk onderzoeken van eender welke behandelwijze op eender welke aandoening. Tevens bevat de thesis belangrijke informatie m.b.t. tot het behandelen van migrainepatiënten.
De gehele thesis wordt u toegestuurd in een zwart / wit uitvoering met ringband (165 pagina''s) door het overmaken van 35 euro op bankrekeningnummer: 801192935 tnv II van Tintelen te Haarlem -Nederland. Onder vermelding van - presented at
- Prakijk voor Osteopathie van Manuel van Tintelen
- Date Accepted
- 2001
- Date Submitted
- 9.10.2001 00:00:00
- Type
- osteo_thesis
- Language
- Dutch
- Submitted by:
- 62
- Pub-Identifier
- 12316
- Inst-Identifier
- 787
- Keywords
- Migraine
- Recommended
- 0
- Item sets
- Thesis
M.Van Tintelen D.O. MRO, “Study of the efficacy of osteopathy in the treatment of migraine patients”, Osteopathic Research Web, accessed September 16, 2024,