Is assessment and treatment of breathing mechanics a core component when dealing with patients with chronic pain: a narrative review.


Is assessment and treatment of breathing mechanics a core component when dealing with patients with chronic pain: a narrative review.
Is assessment and treatment of breathing mechanics a core component when dealing with patients with chronic pain: a narrative review.
Henry – Jones Charlie
Background: Chronic pain presents one of the biggest challenges to health care providers and sufferers who seek their provisions, its impact reaching far into families and communities through physiological and economic avenues. With breathing being an essential part of life, does it offer a patient centred approach to chronic pain treatment? Objective: To appraise and evaluate the quality of current literature dealing with pain, chronic pain and breathing offering a best evidence platform for health care providers to enhance their treatment. Method: Narrative review of current best literature obtained via a methodological search of online databases and journals. Results: Four of the best statistically significant papers suggest a positive link between breathing mechanics and reported pain levels. Conclusion: With limited literature available conclusions are reached with caution but evidence suggests a potential link between breathing mechanics and chronic pain and pain perception. The difficulty remains in assessing the subjective emotion of pain and further clinical trials and analysis is recommended to improve assessment quality and clinical application of findings for osteopaths and other health care providers.
Background: Chronic pain presents one of the biggest challenges to health care providers and sufferers who seek their provisions, its impact reaching far into families and communities through physiological and economic avenues. With breathing being an essential part of life, does it offer a patient centred approach to chronic pain treatment? Objective: To appraise and evaluate the quality of current literature dealing with pain, chronic pain and breathing offering a best evidence platform for health care providers to enhance their treatment. Method: Narrative review of current best literature obtained via a methodological search of online databases and journals. Results: Four of the best statistically significant papers suggest a positive link between breathing mechanics and reported pain levels. Conclusion: With limited literature available conclusions are reached with caution but evidence suggests a potential link between breathing mechanics and chronic pain and pain perception. The difficulty remains in assessing the subjective emotion of pain and further clinical trials and analysis is recommended to improve assessment quality and clinical application of findings for osteopaths and other health care providers.
Date Accepted
Date Submitted
3.2.2012 00:00:00
Chronic pain; pain; breathing; respiration; assessment; treatment
Item sets

Henry – Jones Charlie, “Is assessment and treatment of breathing mechanics a core component when dealing with patients with chronic pain: a narrative review.”, Osteopathic Research Web, accessed May 14, 2024,