Url https://www.osteopathicresearch.com/s/orw/item/2371 Title Effects of the correction of the upper cervical area (C1-C2) on the active cervical rotation: a comparison between specific adjustment technique (SAT) and a muscular energy technique (MET) Creator Sena Torrelles, Sergi Subject Muscle Energy; Cervical Vertebrae Type osteo_thesis Identifier 15377 Language Spanish Alternative Title Efecto de la corrección de C1-C2 sobre la rotación activa cervical: comparativa entre SAT y MET Medium sergi_sena.pdf.pdf Date Accepted 2013 Date Submitted 10.1.2014 11:31:57 Owner 84 Presented at 1483 Status 0 Identifier 1049 Number of pages 58 --