Url https://www.osteopathicresearch.com/s/orw/item/4015 Title Is it possible to influence the hormone levels of infertile women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) by osteopathic treatments? Creator Verena Dückelmann Subject polyzystisches Ovarial-Syndrom, PCOS, Osteopathie, Infertilität, Hormone Type osteo_thesis Language German Alternative Title Kann mittels Osteopathie der Hormonstatus von infertilen Frauen mit Polyzystischem-Ovarial-Syndrom (PCOS) beeinflusst werden? Date Accepted 2015-03-13 12:20:04 Date Submitted 2023-11-08 Owner Verena Dückelmann Presented at 108 Personal mailbox verena.dueckelmann@gmail.com --